This can be due to:1
This can sometimes mean that children have selective eating behaviours, a fear of certain foods, or a lack of interest in eating in general. This can often mean they don’t get enough of the nutrients they need, leading to poor growth or other health issues.2
This page provides more information on how to spot the signs of ARFID and what nutritional support your child’s healthcare professional may give them if they have it.
With ARFID, there might be many reasons why food is avoided.2
Sometimes, a child might have had a negative experience with eating, such as choking or experiencing significant abdominal pain. This can lead to fear and anxiety about food or might make them want to avoid certain textures or tastes or stick to what they see as ‘safe’ foods. In other cases, a child might not recognise that they are hungry or see eating as a bit of a chore.2
ARFID can also sometimes occur with other health conditions, such as:2
Anxiety disorders
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Because ARFID can be caused by a range of experiences or feelings, there might be a range of signs or symptoms to look out for, including:2
Children with ARFID may not gain weight as expected, and this might also affect their growth. This is usually due to them not being able to get the nutrients they need for them to be able to develop and function properly.2
If they can’t get the nutrients they need, then they may become or be at risk of becoming malnourished. Signs of malnutrition may include:3
Not growing or putting on weight at the expected rate
Changes in their behaviour, such as being irritable, moving slowly or becoming anxious
Having low energy or feeling tired more easily than normal
If you are worried that your child isn’t growing as they should, or they have signs that they are over or undernourished, speak to their healthcare professional. They can conduct a thorough assessment and provide guidance on changes to your child’s diet, or they may recommend nutritional supplements to help your child catch up on their growth.
If children can’t get all the nutrients they need, it may impact their growth, weight, cognitive function, and immune system, making them more at risk of getting ill.4 It can also affect their behaviour, sleeping patterns, and learning ability.5-7
It is therefore very important if your child has, or is displaying symptoms of having ARFID, or malnutrition, that you speak to their healthcare professional as soon as possible. If your child’s intake is very low, then their healthcare professional may recommend nutritional supplements to help them get the nutrients they need.2
1. NHS, 2024. Eating Disorders. Available online: Last accessed February 2024.
2. Beat Eating Disorders, 2024. ARFID. Available online: Last accessed February 2024.
3. NHS 2023. Malnutrition. Available online: Last accessed February 2024.
4. Yue T et al. Nutrients 2022;14:2685.
5. Martins V et al. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2011;8(6):1817–1846.
6. Stanga Z et al. Clin Nutr 2007;26(3):379-382.
7. Carter LE et al. Can J Diet Pract Res. 2019;80(4):195-199
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1 x 220 ml
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