Cancer and cancer treatment can impact your taste and smell, which might make you lose interest in food. It can also make you feel quite tired and poorly. All of these symptoms can mean that you don’t get the nutrients you need, you may become malnourished, and your body might start to use up muscle to get the extra energy it needs.2,3
When this happens, it can impact your ability to receive treatment and the way that the disease progresses, including:1,4
Needing to
reduce treatment doses
Delays to treatment
Having to stop treatment altogether
Not being able to do everyday activities
Affecting your recovery
If you are losing weight, or feeling more tired or weaker than usual, or you have signs that you are becoming malnourished, you should speak to your healthcare professional.
Whilst weight loss is one sign that you may be malnourished, it isn’t the only symptom, and you don’t have to be underweight to experience malnutrition.8
Your healthcare professional (e.g. GP, nurse, dietitian, consultant) may recommend nutritional support in the form of nutritional supplements (sometimes called oral nutritional supplements or sip feeds) if they believe you have, or are at risk of developing, malnutrition in order to help provide the calories, protein and other important vitamins and minerals that your body needs.
In cases where weight loss or muscle loss is more severe, or your cancer might mean you are unable to eat or digest food, you might require nutritional support via a tube feed inserted into your stomach or via a catheter inserted into your bloodstream.2,6
Your healthcare professional will be able to support you with any nutritional treatment you are recommended.
1. Aversa Z et al. Ther Adv Med Oncol 2017;9(5):369-382.
2. National Cancer Institute, 2023. Nutrition in Cancer Care. Available online:,Cancer%20and%20cancer% 20treatments%20may%20cause%20malnutrition.,a%20lack%20of%20key%20nutrients. Last accessed October 2023.
3. Argiles JM et al. JAMDA 2016;17:789-796.
4. Pin F et al. Curr Opin Support Palliat Care 2018;12:420-426.
5. Gebremedhin T et al. Heliyon 2021;7(6):e07362.
6. McMillan 2020. Nutritional Support. Available online: Last Accessed January 2024.
7. Cancer Research UK 2023. Cachexia (wasting syndrome). Availabe online: Last accessed January 2024.
8. NHS 2020. Malnutrition. Available online: Last accessed January 2024.
HMB - ꞵ-hydroxy ꞵ-methylbutyrate
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Added to Bag
1 x 220 ml
Flavor: Apple
1,5 kcal / ml
Nutrition Information
Unit | Per {ml-col-1} ml | Per {ml-col-2} ml |
Unit | Per {ml-col-1} ml | Per {ml-col-2} ml |
Unit | Per {ml-col-1} ml | Per {ml-col-2} ml |
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