Ensure Plus Advance§ is a 220ml, ready to drink ONS. It contains a unique blend of protein, vitamin D and HMB that improves strength and reduces the risk of mortality in various patient populations.*,†,‡‡,§§,¶,¶¶,~,#,35-42 It is the high protein, high energy ONS people prefer to drink vs. a high protein compact**,††,43,44 and achieves 96% compliance.^,40
Validated by more than 18 clinical studies35-42,45-59, Ensure Plus Advance is proven to significantly increase strength and improve the quality of life in various patient populations.*,†,‡‡,§§,¶,¶¶,~,##,35-42
The unique blend of protein, vitamin D and HMB in Ensure Plus Advance has been shown to significantly improve outcomes for patients undergoing surgery for hip fracture:§§§,38
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