* In the NOURISH study, a subgroup of 214 hospitalised patients aged 65 and over with admission diagnosis of COPD, received either standard-of-care plus
2 servings/day of the study ONS product (n=109) or standard-of-care plus placebo (n=105). Patients receiving the ONS had a significant increase in handgrip strength (+1.56 kg vs. −0.34 kg, p=0.0413) from discharge to day 30.
† Research with 80 healthy women over 65 years of age supplemented with one serving of Ensure Plus Advance for 8 weeks.
†† Strength was measured by handgrip strength in a post hoc analysis of over 600 malnourished people with heart or lung diseases, ≥ 65 years. Ensure Plus Advance was consumed twice daily for 90 days.
‡ As shown in a randomised controlled trial to investigate the effects of a specialised ONS on older women (≥65 years) who underwent surgery for hip fracture
vs standard post-operative nutrition. Post-operative nutrition provided 1900 kcal and 76 g protein a day. Muscle function was measured by handgrip strength. Mobilisation status was assessed on post-operative days 15 and 30.
§ In 92 patients aged 65 and over with hip fractures admitted to a rehabilitation facility, either receiving a standard diet plus 2 bottles of the study product or a standard diet only. Standard diet provided 1500 kcal, 87.4 g protein a day.
¶ In a post-hoc analysis of the overall population of the NOURISH study (N=652), patients in the twice-daily ONS group (n=328) had significantly higher handgrip strength vs those in the placebo group (n=324; p=0.043).
# Ensure Plus Advance is the most loved high-protein ONS vs Fortisip Compact Protein and Fresubin PRO COMPACT. Research in healthy adults who were asked to drink comparative flavours of Ensure Plus Advance and Fortisip Compact Protein (243 people; 49% vs 41% respectively “loved the taste”), and of Ensure Plus Advance and Fresubin PRO COMPACT (234 people; 55% vs 45% respectively “loved the taste”). In both studies, participants who gave the overall taste of the drink a 6, 7, 8 or 9 out of 9 (where 1 = I extremely dislike it and 9 = I like it extremely) were directly asked if they “loved the taste”; those who responded lower were assumed as responding no, with that response included in overall reported statistics.
◊ Versus Fresubin PRO COMPACT. Research conducted in 234 healthy adults who were asked to drink comparative flavours of Ensure Plus Advance and
Fresubin PRO COMPACT. 63% of those who expressed a preference (n=98 average across the flavours tested) preferred Ensure Plus Advance.
Δ Versus Fortisip Compact Protein. Research conducted in 243 healthy adults who were asked to drink comparative flavours of Ensure Plus Advance and
Fortisip Compact Protein. 61% of those who expressed a preference (n=90 average across the flavours tested) preferred Ensure Plus Advance.
^ Unique blend of high protein, vitamin D and HMB.
^^ In a single-arm open label study of older malnourished patients, handgrip strength, quality of life and anthropometric and biochemical parameters significantly improved from baseline after taking Ensure Plus Advance twice per day for 12 weeks (p < 0.05).
**In the intention-to-treat population of the NOURISH study, (N=622), 90-day mortality was significantly lower in the ONS group (n=313) vs placebo group (n=309; 4.8% vs 9.7% respectively; relative risk 0.49, 95% CI 0.27-0.90, p=0.018). Patients in the ONS group had significantly better quality-of-life domain scores (measured with SF-36) than those in the placebo group (p≤0.05).
COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
ONS, oral nutritional supplement.
HMB, β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate.
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