Rebecca’s healthcare professional: Specialist Paediatric Dietitian in Gastroenterology and Intestinal Failure at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital
Rebecca is a 10-year-old female with a diagnosis of short bowel syndrome and has navigated a complex medical history since birth.
Born via elective caesarean section at 39 weeks due to breach presentation, Rebecca’s first day of life marked the onset of health complications, with bilious vomiting progressing to faeculent vomiting and abdominal distension.
Based on a patient case study. The video footage shown is for representation purposes only and not an actual patient.
The decision to prescribe a peptide-based feed for Rebecca was based on her history of compromised GI tolerance due to short bowel syndrome. Following the introduction of PaediaSure Peptide an improvement in weight, lifestyle and dietary preferences was observed.
Discover the impact of the vicious cycle of malnutrition and malabsorption and the power of peptides in the treatment ofmalnourished children with compromised gastrointestinal function.
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A powerful tool for understanding and responding your patients’ nutritional requirements.
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Added to Bag
1 x 220 ml
Flavor: Apple
1,5 kcal / ml
Nutrition Information
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Unit | Per {ml-col-1} ml | Per {ml-col-2} ml |
Unit | Per {ml-col-1} ml | Per {ml-col-2} ml |
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