Bolus feeding (the delivery of smaller volume feeds at regular intervals) has become more widely used in recent years, with an estimated one third of tube-fed patients now receiving either all or part of their nutrition via this method.1
Bolus feeding is suitable for a variety of adult patients such as patients with head and neck cancer, those who have suffered a brain injury or those with neurological disorders. It is an enteral feeding method that is often preferred by patients and dietitians as it enables flexibility and can be tailored to the patient’s needs and circumstances.1
However, despite the increase in use of bolus feeding regimens, there is limited published guidance to help healthcare professionals make some of the key decisions, including patient type, feed choice and training needs.
A group of specialist dietitians with extensive experience of enteral tube feeding came together to discuss some of these key issues and to develop a bolus feeding decision aid to help in the day-to-day management of these patients.
The aid is designed to provide practical, day-to-day guidance for dietitians and other healthcare professionals and to be used as training material for more experienced dietitians to share with dietitians new to bolus feeding modalities.
Please click here to view an article published in the Complete Nutrition magazine supporting this resource!
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